This page provides information and resources for proposing General Education Certification for both new and existing courses, as well as Recertification of existing Gen Ed courses. Make sure to read over the current guidelines and criteria for all Gen Ed courses and each category on the Gen Ed Course Details page as the General Education Board (GEB) and the Provost’s Office uses these guidelines for reviewing, certifying, and maintaining Gen Ed courses.
Only an authorized CIM user for the unit is able to complete the following steps to submit a course for New Gen Ed Certification or for Gen Ed Recertification. If you have questions about or changes to your unit’s CIM users, please contact the Registrar’s Office Registrar’s Office website includes additional contacts. Questions about Gen Ed courses, including (Re)certification, Maintaining Status, and other inquiries may be sent to
General Education Certification may be sought for existing undergraduate courses. This is done as a course revision to the existing course. New courses must first be approved as a course, then the request for Gen Ed certification as a subsequent revision is submitted. Course Inventory Management (CIM C) system is used for proposals of new courses and for course revisions, and fields required for Gen Ed certification are within the CIM C form.
Steps for New Gen Ed Certification
Only an authorized CIM user for the unit is able to complete the following steps to submit a course for new Gen Ed Certification. Follow the CIM-C Gen Ed Guides for additional information and to view the Gen Ed questions outside CIM-C.
(Note: Following a CIM-C “Refresh” in early Fall 2024 there will be slight changes to these steps, please reach out to with questions)
New Course:
- If the course does not yet exist, you will first need to use the Course Inventory Management (CIM C) system to submit a new course proposal first (no Gen Ed information is entered when creating a new course).
- Once the course has been approved continue with the ‘Existing Course” steps below.
Course Changes (Title, Description, Hours, etc.)
In filling out the CIM C form, do not make any additional edits or input information into fields other than the Justification, General Education section, and Course Edits Proposed by sections. If your department or college requires the Course Detail section to be completed, that is acceptable. If there are other revisions being considered these must be submitted and approved before sending through Gen Ed Certification. If you have questions about course changes, please contact: Brooke Newell, Director for Educational Programs, Office of the Provost at
Existing Course Gen Ed Certification Steps:
- Ensure to read through the Gen Ed Course & Category Details page to verify the course meets the criteria
- Newly certified Gen Ed courses must be taught at least once per year for the first three years to remain active
- Use the Course Inventory Management (CIM C) system to look-up the existing course
- Choose “Edit Course”
- Complete the ‘Justification‘ section by providing a reason for the course change (“Submitting course for Gen Ed Category…”).
- Upload a “Future Syllabus” under ‘Justification’ following the Gen Ed Syllabus guide
- Select the Gen Ed category (or categories) for which you are seeking certification, and answer all questions in the General Education sections
- At the bottom of the CIM C form, in the “Course Edits Proposed by:” field, please enter the sponsor information (first name, last name, net id/email) of the person(s) whom the Gen Ed Board could communicate with if any questions arise during the review
- Submit when complete
Continue to the Gen Ed (Re)Certification Review Process section below to read more about next steps following submittal
Courses with Gen Ed certification are required to go through Gen Ed Recertification where the sponsoring unit submits updated information about the course which is reviewed. The Office of the Provost posts Upcoming Recertification lists for the upcoming one to two years, and college/school primary contacts (“Community of CIM Colleagues” Team) are provided lists and information in the Spring for the upcoming academic year. These primary contacts are responsible for providing their units/departments with information about courses due for recertification, details to submit, and the timeline. Courses not submitted for recertification by the due date during their scheduled year will have the Gen Ed certification removed with an effective semester. The current recertification schedule is approximately every ~8-10 years, but this schedule change as determined by the Director for General Education and the Office of the Provost.
Steps for Gen Ed Recertification
Only an authorized CIM user for the unit is able to complete the following steps to submit a course for Gen Ed Recertification. Follow the CIM-C Gen Ed Guides for additional information and to view the Gen Ed questions outside CIM-C.
- The Office of the Provost will notify colleges/school of courses due for Recertification in the upcoming academic year and the due date for the course(s). The college/school contact is responsible to notify all of their departments/units.
- Department/unit sponsor will need to initiate the “Gen Ed Recertification” process in the Course Inventory Management (CIM C) system
- Any changes to the course (description, title, hours, etc.) must be done before recertification (see “Course Changes” below), so please initiate these early (before the recertification process)
- In CIM C, select “Edit Course”
- Complete the ‘Justification‘ section by providing a reason for the course change (“Submitting course for Gen Ed Recertification…”)
- Upload TWO syllabi under ‘Justification: Attach Files’:
- Syllabus 1: Syllabus from a recent offering of the course
- Syllabus 2: Syllabus for an upcoming semester (“Future Syllabus”) following the Gen Ed Syllabus guide
- Answer all questions showing in the “General Education” sections
- At the bottom of the CIM C form, in the “Course Edits Proposed by:” field, please enter the sponsor information (first name, last name, net id/email) of the person(s) whom the Gen Ed Board could communicate with if any questions arise during the review
- Submit when complete
- Before submitting a course for Recertification, ensure the course still meets all of the Gen Ed criteria and the course will continue to be taught on a regular and consistent basis, remaining in active status
Course Changes (Title, Description, Hours, etc.)
In filling out the CIM C form, do not make any additional edits or input information into fields other than the Justification, General Education section, and Course Edits Proposed by sections. If your department or college requires the Course Detail section to be completed, that is acceptable. If there are other revisions being considered these must be submitted and approved before sending through Gen Ed Recertification. If the Office of the Provost has already initiated the Recertification process in CIM C please email as we will need to ‘shred’ this revision so you may make the other course changes and send through for approval, and once approved the recertification process will be re-initiated. Recertification extensions are not given, so please make sure any course changes are done with plenty of time to be approved and submitted for recertification. If you have questions about course changes, please contact Brooke Newell, Director for Educational Programs, Office of the Provost at
Continue to the Gen Ed (Re)Certification Review Process section below to read more about next steps following submittal
EP.17.74 Policy on Recertification
“Courses approved for General Education credit will be thoroughly reviewed and reapproved or disapproved on a regular basis as is determined to be the minimal amount of time feasible for careful reviews by the General Education Board.” (EP.17.74, Part I: 2.2)
Upcoming Recertification Schedules
Units are notified by the college/school contact of courses due for recertification during upcoming academic years. Below are available schedules. Visit the Public Gen Ed Box Folder to download Recertification spreadsheets (@Illinois sign-in required).
(Re)Certification Training & Resources
Upcoming (Re)Certification Training sessions may be found on the Gen Ed Resources & Events page. Sessions are typically held at the beginning of the Fall semester and again at the end of the Spring semester. Previous session recordings and slides may be found in the ‘Information Session on (Re)Certification of General Education Courses Public Gen Ed Box Folder (must sign in with a university of Illinois account).
Additional support may be found on the Gen Ed Assistance & Office Hours page.
Gen Ed CIM-C Guide
Use the Gen Ed CIM-C Guide as a resource to understand the format and questions in the Course Management System (CIM-C).
Gen Ed (Re)Certification Review Process
Courses sent for New Gen Ed Certification and Recertification are reviewed by the Gen Ed Board to determine if they meet the Gen Ed Course Criteria.
Workflow of Course Review
Gen Ed Course (Re)Certification follows the workflow below for the review process which includes an estimated timeline for each step. The time it takes for a course to be reviewed and a decision to be finalized for (Re)Certification varies based factors which include when the course is submitted, time spent on rollbacks and receiving sponsor responses or updates, if there is a unanimous decision or if discussion at a meeting is required, and when the Full Gen Ed Board meets.
Action | Details | Timeline |
Sponsor submits course proposal for Certification or Recertification in CIM C | Sponsor should check all required syllabi are submitted as outlined above and all questions are answered completely Some College/School Administrators will review or have a committee review prior to sending to the next step | |
Initial Review completed by the Office of the Provost General Education Program (CIM-C Workflow: “Gen Ed Review”) | Office will use the ‘Gen Ed Course Initial Criteria Check‘ and ‘Gen Ed Syllabus Check‘ forms to review courses meet minimum criteria. | ~2 Business Days (Unless rolled back) |
Department/College Roles review/approval | Those in departmental/college roles must review and approve before the course moves on to the next steps. Recertification: Controlling Dept/College only Certification: Controlling & Crosslisted Depts/Colleges | Varies (we encourage sponsors to be in contact with their Dept./College) |
Provost Office Processing and Assigns to Gen Ed Board Subcommittee for Review (CIM-C Workflow: “Gen Ed Board”) | Typically this will be initiated at the “Gen Ed Review” step, but will not be finalized until Department/College approvals submitted | ~2 Business Days |
Gen Ed Board Subcommittee Review (CIM-C Workflow: “Gen Ed Board”) | Subcommittee group will review the Gen Ed course proposal individually using the Feedback Forms to determine if each of the Gen Ed and Category-specific criteria is “Satisfied” or “Not Satisfied” and a recommendation will be made to “(Re)certify”, “Rollback” (Request Changes), or “Deny/Decertify”. Lead reviewer will compile all individual forms and determine if there is unanimous approval to (Re)certify, Rollback (see the Rollback section below), or Deny/Decertify. | ~2 Weeks |
Decision to (Re)Certify (CIM-C Workflow: “Gen Ed Board”) | Once the course has received a decision to (Re)Certify, the course will be added to the agenda at the next Gen Ed Board Meeting, depending on unanimous or not unanimous approval: Unanimous approval to (Re)Certify required to add to the consent agenda for the next Full Gen Ed Board Meeting. Not unanimous approval to (Re)Certify the course will be discussed at the next (Re)Certification Wing Meeting first, and then moved to the Full Gen Ed Board Meeting | Depends on next Gen Ed Board Meeting (Wing if needed, and Full) |
Course Approved by Office of the Provost (CIM-C Workflow: “Provost”) | Following approval at the Full Gen Ed Board Meeting, the Office of the Provost will approve the course in CIM-C as “Gen Ed Board” and update office records and approve as “Provost” | ~2 Business Days |
FINAL: Course Updated in Systems (CIM-C Workflow: “Registrar” and “Banner”) | The Office of the Registrar will make any updates in necessary systems and approve the last steps in the CIM-C workflow to finalize the course. | Varies, could be ~1-2 Weeks |
If there is a decision to Rollback a course, the sponsor must provide additional support, responses, and/or materials based on the subcommittee feedback.
Sponsor response/changes to course proposal | Office of the Provost will contact the Sponsor and provide feedback and request a response and/or updated materials. Once submitted, the Office of the Provost will pass along to the subcommittee. | ~1 Week (Varies, based on Sponsor) |
Gen Ed Board Subcommittee Review (Round 2) | Sponsor response/changes will be sent to the same Gen Ed Board Subcommittee to review (Round 2), using the same individual feedback forms and review criteria. Lead reviewer will compile all individual forms and based on decision to “(Re)certify”, “Rollback” (Request Changes), or “Deny/Decertify”. (Re)certify: Go to “Decision to (Re)Certify” step in table above Rollback: Go to step above in this “Rollback” table and Round 3 decision either to (Re)Certify or Deny/Decertify | ~1 Week |
Full Workflow (Quick Overview)
- Sponsor submits course in CIM C either as a New Gen Ed Certification or a Gen Ed Recertification
- Sponsor should check all requirements are submitted as outlined above and all necessary questions are answered completely
- Some College/School Administrators will review or have a committee review prior to sending to the next step
- Initial Review (Provost’s Office) checks course meets minimum Gen Ed criteria (credit hours, level, etc.) and includes all required materials prior to sending along to Gen Ed Board
- If any requirements are missing or course does not meet minimal criteria, course will be rolled back in CIM C system with notes
- Sponsor should check all requirements are submitted as outlined above and all necessary questions are answered completely
- Some College/School Administrators will review or have a committee review prior to sending to the next step
- Course Assigned to Gen Ed Board Subcommittee for review using the Feedback Forms to determine if each of the Gen Ed and Category-specific criteria is “Satisfied” or “Not Satisfied” and a recommendation will be made to “(Re)certify”, “Rollback” (Request Changes), or “Deny/Decertify”
- Satisfied/(Re)certify: Course approved with no changes and will be sent to the next Gen Ed Board (Re)certification meeting to finalize approval
- Rollback (Request Changes): Course Rolled back to sponsor with feedback in the CIM C system, and sponsor will need to re-submit by requested date in the CIM C system, and then the course will be sent back to the same Subcommittee for another review; following the re-review the course may be approved or may be rolled back a second time, and after this if there are still concerns this will be noted, but there will be a yes/no vote and it will be reviewed and determined at the Gen Ed Board (Re)certification meeting
- Final Decision on Course will make a note in the CIM C system following approval at a Gen Ed Board meeting
- Approved:
- New Certification: Course will be updated in the Banner system and Course Explorer for the effective term (must be a future term)
- Recertification Approval: Course continues to be certified as Gen Ed (no changes in the systems)
- Denied/Decertified: Gen Ed(s) will be removed for a future effective term (existing Gen Ed course) or not added (new Gen Ed submission)
- Approved:
Feedback Forms
General Education Board members use feedback forms to determine whether course submissions meet the requirements of general education categories. These feedback forms are provided here to clarify the review process and give guidance to applicants. We encourage applicants to review the relevant feedback form(s) prior to submitting their course information for review. Note that all general education course reviews will include the All Gen Eds form, as well as the category specific form. Ensuring that your class meets all of the requirements for a general education course will facilitate the review process and increase the likelihood that your course will be approved.

Maintaining Active Course Status/Inactive Course Process
Units are responsible for ensuring their Gen Ed offerings follow all Gen Ed guidelines, including offering courses on a continuing and regular basis. The Office of the Provost will monitor Gen Ed courses each semester and remove Gen Ed certification from inactive courses.
Gen Ed courses remain in Active status by meeting one of the below criteria:
- Newly certified Gen Ed courses: Must be offered at least once a year for the first three years
- All Gen Ed courses: Must be offered at least once every three years
- It is highly recommended to offer Gen Ed courses more frequently than once every three years, with a preference to offer at least once per year
Inactive Course Process
Early in the Fall and Spring semesters the Office of the Provost’s will use reports to review Gen Ed courses that meet one of two criteria: (1) Inactive Courses: course has been inactive for 3 years/6 semesters, or (2) At Risk Courses: course is at risk of violating the policy in the upcoming semester if not offered. College/unit designated contacts will receive their reports with a reminder of the process. The college/unit report will include all their Gen Ed courses so units can monitor each semester, and the report will include the ‘last offered term’ and ‘must offer term’, and notes on courses meeting one of the two criteria listed above.
Courses not offered by the ‘must offer term’ will have the Gen Ed certification removed starting with a future effective date. Courses offered by the ‘must offer term’ will be considered active and will maintain Gen Ed status. The course schedule will be checked when it is live for the upcoming semester, and again at the start of the semester to ensure there is active enrollment.
Newly certified courses will also be monitored to ensure they are following the minimum offering of once per year for the first three years and will receive a warning if at risk. Certification will be removed if the new course is inactive for more than one year within the first three years. Units should ensure they are prepared to offer courses when they are submitted for Gen Ed certification.
The Provost’s Office will notify the controlling unit of any courses that are inactive where certification will be removed. The process to remove Gen Ed certification will be initiated by the Office of the Provost’s in CIM and include an effective date of certification removal. All units with programs that include the course in the curriculum will be notified of the certification removal. The Gen Ed Board will receive a list of inactive courses losing Gen Ed certification.
There is no appeal for the decertification process, but a decertified course may be submitted for certification in an upcoming semester when it will be taught regularly. There is a list of the Gened Approval History in the Course Explorer, which provides Gen Ed certification start and end dates for all courses.
Note: Courses will not be deactivated with this process, only Gen Ed certification(s) will be removed from the course. The unit may determine if they will deactivate the course and, if so, the unit will initiate the deactivation process in CIM. The unit should continue to review courses with “Six-Ten” violations to determine deactivating courses (Visit the Office of the Provost Website to read more about the different process of Deactivating Courses).
Timeline for Decertifying Courses:
- Each Semester (by mid-Semester): Units provided updated list of Gen Ed course status (Active, Inactive, At Risk)
- Week Before Full-Semester Classes: Inactive Courses will be checked to see if they are scheduled
- Not on Schedule: Office of the Provost’s will initiate Decertification Process effective the next semester
- On Schedule: The Office of the Provost’swill check after the ten-day census to confirm course listed on the schedule has enrollment and is offered (if course does not have enrollment or was cancelled the Decertification Process will be initiated effective the next semester)
- Note: If an Inactive course is added to the Second Eight Weeks after the Week before full-semester Classes Begin that semester, the decertification process will still be initiated, and the course will need to submit materials for Certification immediately to remain active
Process for Decertifying Inactive Courses:
- The Office of the Provost’s to Initiate Gen Ed Decertification in CIM C System
- Workflow altered: Provost Initiates > Gen Ed Review > Gen Ed Board > Provost > Registrar > Banner –> All will receive “FYI” message about the course
- The Dept/College Roles are removed from review/approval, but will receive initial notices and warnings of inactive courses and will receive a final notification when the Gen Ed Certifications have been removed (including the effective semester)
Additional information including the full process may be found in the Gen Ed Board Box Folder
Inactive Course Schedule
The below schedule shows when a course will be considered inactive and the Gen Ed certification will be removed based on the last offered semester and the must offer by semester. Reports are provided to college/school “CIM Colleague” contacts responsible to distribute information to their associate departments/units.
Last Offered Term follows the format of: 1 + YEAR + Term (8 = Fall; 0 = Winter; 1 = Spring; 5 = Summer)
Last Offered Semester | Last Offered Term (1YEARTerm) | Must Offer By Semester | Action AY24-25 |
NEVER OFFERED: 6+ Years | Fall 2024 | REMOVE CERTIFICATION if not offered FA24 | |
NEVER OFFERED: 3 – 5 Years | Spring 2025 | AT-RISK to REMOVE CERTIFICATION if not offered by SP25 | |
NEVER OFFERED: Up to 3 Years | Fall 2025 | AT-RISK to REMOVE CERTIFICATION if not offered by FA25 | |
Fall 2016 (or before) | 120168 | Spring 2020 | REMOVE CERTIFICATION if not offered FA24 Initial Implementation |
Winter 2016-17 | 120160 | Spring 2020 | REMOVE CERTIFICATION if not offered FA24 Initial Implementation |
Spring 2017 | 120171 | Fall 2020 | REMOVE CERTIFICATION if not offered FA24 Initial Implementation |
Summer 2017 | 120175 | Fall 2020 | REMOVE CERTIFICATION if not offered FA24 Initial Implementation |
Fall 2017 | 120178 | Spring 2021 | REMOVE CERTIFICATION if not offered FA24 Initial Implementation |
Winter 2017-18 | 120170 | Spring 2021 | REMOVE CERTIFICATION if not offered FA24 Initial Implementation |
Spring 2018 | 120181 | Fall 2021 | REMOVE CERTIFICATION if not offered FA24 Initial Implementation |
Summer 2018 | 120185 | Fall 2021 | REMOVE CERTIFICATION if not offered FA24 Initial Implementation |
Fall 2018 | 120188 | Spring 2022 | REMOVE CERTIFICATION if not offered FA24 Initial Implementation |
Winter 2018-19 | 120180 | Spring 2022 | REMOVE CERTIFICATION if not offered FA24 Initial Implementation |
Spring 2019 | 120191 | Fall 2023 | REMOVE CERTIFICATION if not offered FA24 Initial Implementation |
Summer 2019 | 120195 | Fall 2023 | REMOVE CERTIFICATION if not offered FA24 Initial Implementation |
Fall 2019 | 120198 | Spring 2023 | AT-RISK to REMOVE CERTIFICATION if not offered by SP25; Initial Implementation |
Winter 2019-20 | 120190 | Spring 2023 | AT-RISK to REMOVE CERTIFICATION if not offered by SP25; Initial Implementation |
Spring 2020 | 120201 | Fall 2023 | AT-RISK to REMOVE CERTIFICATION if not offered by SP25; Initial Implementation |
Summer 2020 | 120205 | Fall 2023 | AT-RISK to REMOVE CERTIFICATION if not offered by SP25; Initial Implementation |
Fall 2020 | 120208 | Spring 2024 | AT-RISK to REMOVE CERTIFICATION if not offered by FA25; Initial Implementation |
Winter 2020-21 | 120200 | Spring 2024 | AT-RISK to REMOVE CERTIFICATION if not offered by FA25; Initial Implementation |
Spring 2021 | 120211 | Fall 2024 | AT-RISK to REMOVE CERTIFICATION if not offered by FA25; Initial Implementation |
Summer 2021 | 120215 | Fall 2024 | AT-RISK to REMOVE CERTIFICATION if not offered by FA25; Initial Implementation |
Fall 2021 | 120218 | Spring 2025 | AT-RISK to REMOVE CERTIFICATION if not offered by FA25; Initial Implementation |
Winter 2021-22 | 120210 | Spring 2025 | AT-RISK to REMOVE CERTIFICATION if not offered by FA25; Initial Implementation |
Spring 2022 | 120221 | Fall 2025 | AT-RISK to REMOVE CERTIFICATION if not offered by FA25; Initial Implementation |
Summer 2022 | 120225 | Fall 2025 | AT-RISK to REMOVE CERTIFICATION if not offered by FA25; Initial Implementation |
Fall 2022 | 120228 | Spring 2026 | |
Winter 2022-23 | 120220 | Spring 2026 | |
Spring 2023 | 120231 | Fall 2026 | |
Summer 2023 | 120235 | Fall 2026 | |
Fall 2023 | 120238 | Spring 2027 | |
Winter 2023-24 | 120230 | Spring 2027 | |
Spring 2024 | 120241 | Fall 2027 | |
Summer 2024 | 120245 | Fall 2027 | |
Fall 2024 | 120248 | Spring 2028 | |
Winter 2024-25 | 120240 | Spring 2028 | |
Spring 2025 | 120251 | Fall 2028 | |
Summer 2025 | 120255 | Fall 2028 | |
Fall 2025 | 120258 | Spring 2029 | |
Winter 2025-26 | 120250 | Spring 2029 | |
Spring 2026 | 120261 | Fall 2029 | |
Summer 2026 | 120265 | Fall 2029 |
Certification for an Inactive Course
If an inactive course will be taught in a future semester and the unit is interested in Gen Ed certification for the course, they would need to follow the Gen Ed Certification process outlined above. Certification may take up to two semesters, so units should plan ahead. Updated materials will be required for the certification process. Once approved the course will be considered a new certification and must be offered at least once per year for the first three years, and then maintain active status after the initial period.
There is no petition or extension for inactive courses to retain Gen Ed certification status.
Gen Ed Policy: Expectations on Gen Ed Offerings (EP.17.74)
The current Gen Ed policy (EP.17.74) sets expectations on Gen Ed course offerings:
- “General Education courses should be offered on a continuing and regular basis, though they need not be offered every year. Once approved, departments must agree to offer a General Education course for a minimum of three years on a regular basis (e.g., every semester or once a year).” (EP.17.74, Part I: 2.1)
- “Courses approved for General Education credit will be thoroughly reviewed and reapproved or disapproved on a regular basis as is determined to be the minimal amount of time feasible for careful reviews by the General Education Board.” (EP.17.74, Part I: 2.2)
Gen Ed Responsibility
The Sponsoring Unit, College/School, Office of the Provost, Gen Ed Board, and Office of the Registrar all serve an important role with specific responsibilities in the Gen Ed process, including the development, certification, and maintenance of Gen Ed courses. The responsibilities of each are outlined below to ensure
Sponsoring Unit Responsibilities
Units sponsoring Gen Ed courses should be aware of their responsibility to offer and maintain these courses consistent with the Gen Ed policy and follow the mission and goals of the Gen Ed Program.
Maintaining Active Course Status
Gen Ed courses should maintain active status by being offered on a continuing and regular basis. The sponsoring unit is responsible for ensuring the course is offered on a regular timeline and keeping track of all Gen Ed offerings. The Office of the Provost’s will provide college/school representatives with updated reports on Gen Ed active status, but it is expected that units are maintaining their own internal lists for scheduling purposes. Units should complete regular reviews of their courses and deactivate inactive courses as needed.
Review of Gen Ed Offerings
Units are encouraged to review all of their Gen Ed offerings on a regular basis (recommended to review annually) to ensure courses still meet Gen Ed criteria and make sense to be included in the Gen Ed Program. The Gen Ed Office is always open to meet with units to review and discuss Gen Ed offerings and explore areas of potential.
Notifying Impacted Units with Changes
Sponsoring units should notify any units impacted by changes to the Gen Ed status for their courses. Certifying a course as a Gen Ed, removing Gen Ed certification, deactivating a course, and changes in the offering schedule and type may impact programs relying on the course. Impacted units may be viewed at the top of CIM C under ‘Catalog Pages referencing this course’ and ‘Programs referencing this course.’
Courses approved for General Education credit will be thoroughly reviewed and reapproved or disapproved on a regular, basis as is determined to be the minimal amount of time feasible for careful reviews by General Education Board members.
A department offering an approved General Education course is responsible for assuring that the course is taught in line with the guidelines for General Education courses as summarized in the proposal seeking certification of the course for General Education credit. In pursuit of this goal, departments must have clear procedures for informing instructors about the guidelines and the certification proposal.
Responsibility for a General Education course rests with the department and normally should be exercised by a tenure-track, tenured, or specialized faculty member. Teaching assistants may teach General Education courses, including autonomous sections, under the close and regular supervision of an appropriate staff member.
Departments offering General Education courses have responsibility for developing appropriate means for preparing, supervising, and providing guidance to teaching assistants assigned to General Education courses.
Departments are responsible for assuring adequate staffing of General Education courses to be able to provide students the appropriate graded feedback on their work necessary to meet the disciplinary thinking and communication skill development objectives of General Education.
Departments are responsible for assuring that there is appropriate and thorough evaluation of instruction in all courses approved for General Education. To assure the ongoing improvement of their General Education courses, departments are encouraged to develop and regularly employ discipline-appropriate methods of assessing instructional quality that include both peer review and student evaluations.
Departments are responsible for developing appropriate instructional formats for courses proposed for General Education. The course format should not only be appropriate to the discipline and course content, but also should be consistent with the aims of General Education. In most instances the goals of General Education as set forth in these guidelines will not be met by instruction with mass lectures as the sole means of delivering instruction.
College/School of Sponsoring Unit Responsibilities
College/School administration and/or committees play an important part in the Gen Ed offerings within their associated units and are responsible for disseminating information provided by the Office of the Provost to the responsible parties within their units.
When the College/School reviews a Gen Ed course for either certification or recertification, they are responsible for ensuring the following:
- The course:
- aligns with the college/school goals, mission, and initiatives
- follows strategy and intention for Gen Ed courses and current Gen Ed offerings
- The college/school:
- has considered any impact on current courses or program needs
- will support and encourage the unit’s efforts associated with this Gen Ed course, including instructional needs and staffing, evaluation and assessment, and ongoing improvement and development
- will support efforts to ensure this course maintains active status
- will ensure units are aware of deadlines and processes, and support efforts to submit required materials for assessment and recertification review by deadlines
- manages other processes required to meet the guidelines and criteria set in the Gen Ed policy
The Gen Ed Board is responsible for reviewing courses for Gen Ed criteria, this is not the responsibility of the college/school. Colleges/Schools are encouraged to work with a unit sponsor prior to submitting a course for (Re)Certification. If a course is rolled back to a Sponsor following the Gen Ed Board review the college/school is encouraged to work with the departmental/unit sponsor to provide additional guidance based on the feedback prior to resubmitting, but the college/school is not responsible for re-reviewing or providing additional feedback as this will be done by the Gen Ed Board
Ongoing Responsibilities
The College/School is responsible for supporting the efforts of the Office of the Provost’s for the Recertification/Certification process to ensure their units are following deadlines and procedures. College/Schools are encouraged to be aware of the Gen Ed processes and assist units. It is important Colleges/Schools help communicate with their units about processes such as recertification and inactive courses, and they follow-up with units to ensure deadlines are met.
The College/School representative (“CIM Colleague”) is responsible for communicating with their units any courses marked as Inactive or “at-risk” and providing them with information on the process. Inactive/At Risk Reports are provided by the Office of the Provost’s each semester for all Gen Ed courses.
General Education Board: College/School administration is responsible for nominating faculty and student representatives for the General Education Board. It is important to select representatives who will attend the meetings, provide feedback, and communicate effectively as decisions on the board may impact colleges/schools/units.
Provost’s Office Responsibilities
The Office of the Provost’s Director for General Education is responsible for the oversight of the General Education Program and courses associated with the program, ensuring procedures follow the Senate Gen Ed Policy and are consistent with the mission, goals, and aim of the General Education Program.
(Re)Certification Process: Checking the course meets the minimum Gen Ed requirements, moving through the Gen Ed Board, and ensuring records are kept up-to-date.
General Education Assessment
The Office of the Provost Assessment Office is responsible for ensuring all Gen Ed courses go through a rigorous assessment process. They will provide instructors and units with trainings, resources, guides, and support to integrate assessment into Gen Ed courses, and they will maintain a list of courses and their assessment activities, ensure courses are in compliance with assessment requirements, and communicate with units and instructors about assessment. Read more about Gen Ed Assessment
Gen Ed Board Responsibilities
The General Education Board is responsible for the oversight of the campus general education program in accordance with requirements adopted by the Senate, and to ensure, as much as possible, that general education courses will be valuable intellectual experiences. The General Education Board ensures, as much as possible, that general education courses will be valuable intellectual experiences. Responsibilities include defining the categories of general education requirements for the campus, reviewing course proposals, and reviewing and recertifying all courses approved for general education credit.
Certification/Recertification: Courses approved for General Education credit will be thoroughly reviewed and reapproved or disapproved on a regular, basis as is determined to be the minimal amount of time feasible for careful reviews by General Education Board members.
Scholarship on the significance of women and gender: General Education Board will work with departments, colleges, and the campus administration to assure that there are adequate instructional development vehicles (workshops, seminars, course development funds, etc.) to aid the faculty in integrating the significant and increasingly visible scholarship about women and gender into General Education courses.
Chair of Gen Ed Board:
Subcommittee Leads of Recertification Wing:
Subcommittee Leads of Policy Wing:
Office of the Registrar Responsibilities
The Office of the Registrar is responsible for making changes in Banner and other systems once changes have been made to Gen Ed courses, including new certification, decertification, or other course-level changes.
Revisions to Gen Ed Courses
Units may wish to make revisions/changes to their currently approved Gen Ed courses. Some revisions will require Gen Ed Board review while other revisions may not require a Gen Ed Board review. All changes to Gen Ed courses will be reviewed by the Director for General Education to determine if there is a need for additional review. If you have questions please contact
Removing Gen Ed Certification, Removing Gen Ed Category, or Deactivating Course
No Gen Ed Board Review required
Submit revision in CIM C system with any necessary justification. Units outside of the sponsoring unit with programs where the course is listed in the program of study should be notified about the change as it will impact their program.
Adding a Gen Ed Category
Courses already approved for one Gen Ed category may be submitted to add another category (following the Gen Ed criteria) in the categories of: Advanced Composition, Quantitative Reasoning II, and the Cultural Studies requirements
Gen Ed Board Review required (certification of new category and review of existing category)
Submit revision and all materials in CIM C system; Fill in all content for all new and existing Gen Ed categories as these will be reviewed together
Changes to course credit hours
Gen Ed Board Review required
Submit revision and all materials in CIM C system; Fill in all Gen Ed content
Changes to course number
Gen Ed Board Review may be required
Submit revision and all materials in CIM C system; Fill in all Gen Ed content
Changing to the same level: No Gen Ed Board Review
Changing between 100- and 200-levels: Course will be reviewed by the Office of the Provost to determine if Gen Ed Board Review is required
Changing from all other levels: Gen Ed Board Review is required (note: please review Gen Ed Course Details & Category Criteria prior to revising a 100- or 200-level course to a 300- or 400-level course)
Changes to course title and/or course description
Gen Ed Board Review may be required, Course will be reviewed by the Office of the Provost to determine if Gen Ed Board Review is required (typically not required for minimal changes, but changes to the content may require review)
Submit revision and all materials in CIM C system; Fill in all Gen Ed content
Change to course modality (in-person/online)
Gen Ed Board Review may be required.
Course will be reviewed by the Office of the Provost to determine if Gen Ed Board Review is required (typically not required for minimal changes, but changes to the content may require review)
Submit revision and all materials in CIM C system; Fill in all Gen Ed content
(note: please review Gen Ed Course Details & Category Criteria prior to revising to ensure course still meets Gen Ed criteria)
Changes to Prerequisites
Adding Prerequisites: Gen Ed Board Review required to ensure course still meets all Gen Ed criteria.
Removing Prerequisites: Gen Ed Board Review is typically not required. Please contact to discuss.
Other changes
Other changes may or may not require Gen Ed Board review
If you have questions please contact
Resources for Gen Ed Proposals
Gen Ed Course Changes
Below are available lists of Gen Ed course changes by academic year which includes courses receiving New Gen Ed Certifications, Gen Ed Recertification, or any courses that have the Gen Ed certification removed (decertified). Effective terms are provided when applicable.
Examples of Successful Gen Ed Proposals
The Gen Ed Board and Office of the Provost has identified several examples of successful proposals that may be reviewed.
Frequently Asked Questions
What modality is required for Gen Ed Courses?
Currently, there is no set guidance on the modality (in-person/online/hybrid) for Gen Ed Courses other than the basic requirements and instructional goals outlined in the policy stating the Instructional format (number of lecture meetings, number of lab/discussion meetings, etc.) is appropriate. It is expected that Gen Ed courses are taught in a way that meets the Gen Ed goals in the areas of communication and instruction.
What is the maximum/minimum enrollment capacity for Gen Ed Courses?
There is no set minimum or maximum capacity for Gen Ed Courses (with the exception of Advanced Composition, see below), but there is criteria for instruction in the policy that states the ratio of instructors responsible for teaching to expected student enrollment is appropriate.
Advanced Composition courses require extensive writing and feedback so courses should have a maximum enrollment of 25-28 students, and a recommended enrollment of 25 or less. High student-to-instructor ratios for these courses must be explained in depth to provide support on how the goals and learning outcomes of the course will be met.