Gen Ed Themes

As a member of our diverse and complex society, it’s important that you are able to understand social issues from perspectives other than your own, separate fact from opinion and be willing to participate in public dialogs in an educated and thoughtful way. Focusing Gen Ed courses within a thematic area provides students the opportunity to examine an issue through multiple perspectives and disciplines. Themes are broad and interdisciplinary and allow students to select one or more areas that compliment their major or explore an area of interest or passion. The themes provide a list of courses across different Gen Ed categories and disciplines students may use to select courses of interest.

Themes are optional and are not listed in student’s record or on a transcript. There is no tracking or “completion” of a Gen Ed theme and no minimum number of classes a student may take in one or more themes. Students may use these themes to find one Gen Ed course of interest within a certain area. Instead, themes will act as a map for students to curate their undergraduate education, and then students will communicate what they’ve gained from these courses via their resume and discussion with potential employers.

The below themes include a selective list of relevant Gen Ed courses open to students. There may be additional Gen Ed courses that fall within these categories, but they may have restrictions or prerequisites. Students must refer to the Course Explorer to read more about the courses and when they are offered and if there are restrictions on certain sections. Visit the Gen Ed Requirements page to read more about the Gen Ed categories. Please discuss Gen Eds with your academic advisor.

Social Justice

Societies are increasingly diverse, and organizations are continually building global connections. Learning about the multicultural environments that we exist within and how to engage with human diversity are an integral part of becoming a responsible citizen and building a more socially just world. Social justice can take several forms. For instance, it is important to understand and embrace the many forms that human diversity can take, including identities based on race, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, religion, social class, disability, and their intersections. Fostering a socially just world also requires acknowledging and addressing the social, economic, and political inequality that has historically existed and that continues to permeate everyday life. As a member of the next generation of students who will shape society, you will play a key role in addressing cultural divides and building more harmonious communities. Courses in the Social Justice theme provide the tools to achieve these goals.

This theme includes courses with a focus on equipping students with the knowledge and skills necessary to develop a more fair and equitable society over the course of their lives and professional careers.

Social Justice Gen Ed Courses

Advanced Composition

  • AAS 300 Theories Race Gender Sexuality (CLL)
  • DANC 340 Dancing Black Popular Culture (CLL, US, HP)
  • EALC 361 Gender and Women in East Asia (CLL)
  • EDUC 202 Social Justice Sch & Society (CLL, HP)
  • HIST 173 US History Since 1877-ACP (US, HP, CLL)

Humanities & the Arts

  • AFRO 228 Hip Hop Music: History & Culture (LA, US)
  • AIS 275 Am Indian and Indigenous Film (LA, US)
  • CWL 114 Global Consciousness and Lit (LA, NW)
  • HIST 211 History of Southern Africa (NW, HP)
  • HIST 263 US History of Medicine (US, HP)
  • JS 209 Jewish American & US Minority Lit (LA, US)
  • SPAN 248 Latin American Diaspora Film (LA, US)
  • SPED 117 The Culture of Disability (HP)

Natural Sciences & Technology

  • ANTH 241 Human Biological Variation (LS)
  • IB 110 Race and Environmental Biology (LS, US)

Social & Behavioral Sciences

  • AAS 100 Intro Asian American Studies (US, SS)
  • ANTH 262 Women’s Lives (SS)
  • GGIS 254 American People, Places, & Env (US, SS)
  • HK 302 Disability in American Society (SS)
  • LING 250 Linguistic Diversity in the US (US, SS)
  • LLS 220 Latina/o Migration (US, SS)
  • PS 201 US Racial & Ethnic Politics (US, SS)
  • PS 214 American Indian Law & Politics (US, SS)
  • PSYC 207 Psych of Prejudice & Discrim (BSC)
  • SOC 180 Stress and Health in African American Communities (US, SS)

Cultural Studies: Non-Western Cultures

  • AFRO 243 Pan Africanism (NW)
  • AFST 210 Intro to Mod African Lit (NW, LA)
  • AIS 285 Indigenous Thinkers (NW, HP)
  • ARAB 150 Lang & Culture of Arab World (NW)
  • HIST 205 Lived Experience Latin America (NW, HP)
  • LAST 170 Introduction to Latin America (NW, SS)
  • SOC 160 Global Ineq and Social Change (NW, SS)

Cultural Studies: US Minority Cultures

  • ADV 175 Diversity in Advertising (US)
  • CMN 214 Org Comm & Diversity (US)
  • GLBL 130 Resistance Movements (US)
  • GWS 275 The Politics of Fashion (US)
  • HIST 278 Native American History (US, HP)
  • HIST 280 Caribbean Latina/o Migration (US, HP)
  • LLS 240 Latina/o Popular Culture (US)
  • REL 134 Religion, Race, and Resistance (US)
  • RUSS 122 Russia and Black America (US)

Cultural Studies: Western/Comparative Cultures

  • ANTH 209 Food, Culture, and Society (SS, WCC)
  • CLCV 240 Gender & Sexuality Antiquity (LA, WCC)
  • GER 261 The Holocaust in Context (LA, WCC)
  • GWS 201 Race, Gender & Power (WCC)
  • HIST 252 The Holocaust (HP, WCC)
  • MACS 356 Sex & Gender in Popular Media (WCC)
  • SOC 161 Introduction to Poverty (SS, WCC)
Explore Social Justice More

Students interested in exploring more about Social Justice may want to explore some of the areas below. These disciplines study phenomena such as diversity, prejudice, privilege, activism, and other topics that encompass aspects of inequality and societal change. Students interested in addressing issues related to social justice can expect to study topics that discuss how humans think about and engage with one another as social groups and communities.

Several offices across campus also provide students with opportunities to get involved in this area, including:

Data, Analysis, Technology, & Information

Society is being rapidly transformed by the rise of technology and the emergence of massive collections of information/data. Data, analysis, technology, and information is explored across disciplines and helps prepare students to lead society’s technological and digital transformation. The digital and technological transformation brings importance to understanding the digital world, building and communicating data literacy and digital literacy, and understanding how society shapes and is impacted by these areas. Students may explore areas across information such as data collection, storage, integration, analysis, inference, communication, and ethics. Through exploring this area you may build skills in critical thinking, problem-solving, statistical analysis, algorithms, programming, communication, and determining how data can impact daily life.

This theme includes courses to equip students with the knowledge and skills necessary to think critically about information/data/technology, consume and use data and information responsibly and ethically, formulate judgments collaboratively, understand the impact on society and how society shapes innovation, and how to communicate effectively.

Data, Analysis, Technology, & Information Gen Ed Courses

Advanced Composition

  • BTW 261 Principles Tech Comm (CLL) Requires Comp I
  • BTW 285 Writing a Web Presence (CLL) Requires Comp I
  • INFO 303 Writing Across Media (CLL)
  • IS 312 Reading and Writing Data (LA, CLL)
  • NPRE 481 Writing on Technol & Security (CLL)

Humanities & the Arts

  • HIST 207 Digital Documentary Publishing (HP)
  • HIST 264 Technology in Western Society (HP, WCC)
  • IS 312 Reading and Writing Data (LA, CLL)
  • PHIL 223 Minds & Machines (HP)

Natural Sciences & Technology

  • ECE 101 Exploring Digital Info Technol (QR2, PS)

Social & Behavioral Sciences

  • ADV 305 AdTech and the Digital World (SS)
  • CI 210 Intro to Digital Learning Env (BSC)
  • CMN 280 Comm Technology & Society (SS)
  • GGIS 224 Environmental Data Science (SS)
  • HK 203 Introduction to Health Technology (SS)
  • IS 101 Intro to Information Sciences (SS)
  • IS 145 Mapping Inequalities (US, QR2, SS)
  • IS 202 Social Aspects Info Tech (SS)
  • SOC 350 Technology and Society (SS)

Cultural Studies: US Minority Cultures

  • IS 145 Mapping Inequalities (US, QR2, SS)

Cultural Studies: Western/Comparative Cultures

  • HIST 264 Technology in Western Society (HP, WCC)

Quantitative Reasoning

  • ACE 262 App Stat Mthds & Data AnlytcsI (QR1)
  • ADV 200 Data Literacy (QR1)
  • CS 105 Intro Computing: Non-Tech (QR1)
  • CS 124 Intro to Computer Science I (QR1)
  • HK 209 Health Statistics (QR1)
  • IS 229 Web Design Fundamentals (QR1)
  • PSYC 301 Psychological Statistics (QR1)
  • SOC 280 Intro to Social Statistics (QR1)
  • SOCW 225 Social Work Statistics (QR1)
  • STAT 100 Statistics (QR1)
  • STAT 107 Data Science Discovery (QR1)
  • STAT 200 Statistical Analysis (QR1)
  • UP 116 Urban Informatics I (QR1)
  • IS 145 Mapping Inequalities (US, QR2, SS)
  • IS 203 Analytical Fndts Info Problems (QR2)
  • ECE 101 Exploring Digital Info Technol (QR2, PS)
  • STAT 207 Data Science Exploration (QR2) Requires STAT 107
Explore Data, Analysis, Technology, & Information More

Students interested in exploring more about Data, Analysis, Technology, & Information may want to explore some of the areas below. These areas require highly developed critical thinking, problem-solving and communication skills. Students in these areas should like working with numbers, dealing with large, complex data sets, examining trends, and spending significant amounts of time working at a computer.

Several offices across campus also provide students with opportunities to get involved in this area, including:

Sustainability & Environment

Climate change and environmental inequality will affect every part of your life and those of your families, communities, and future generations. Many have defined sustainability as economic development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. “Needs” can be material, social, emotional or even intellectual. The Sustainability theme investigates both fiscal and environmental sustainability through economic and societal activities and helps you understand and engage in complex environmental issues. People, technology, and natural processes will be critical elements in achieving more sustainable societies with environmental justice, with both costs and benefits being collective.

This theme includes courses with a focus on equipping students with the knowledge and skills necessary to develop sustainable choices over the course of their lives and professional careers.

Sustainability & Environment Gen Ed Courses

Advanced Composition

  • ENGL 477 Advanced Environmental Writing (CLL)
  • ESE 360 Environmental Writing (CLL)
  • PLPA 200 Plants, Pathogens, and People (CLL, LS)

Humanities & the Arts

  • ARTD 240 eWaste: Sustainable Design (LA)
  • HIST 202 American Environmental History (WCC, HP)

Natural Sciences & Technology

  • ABE 152 Water in Global Environment (NW, PS)
  • ACES 102 Intro Sustainable Food Systems (LS)
  • ATMS 140 Climate and Global Change (PS)
  • CPSC 113 Environment, Agric, & Society (WCC, LS)
  • ESE 100 Sustainable Earth (PS)
  • GEOL 104 Geology of the National Parks (PS)
  • GEOL 100 Planet Earth (PS)
  • GEOL 104 Geology of the National Parks (PS)
  • GGIS 220 Landscape, Eco & Enviro Change (PS)
  • IB 105 Environmental Biology (LS)
  • IB 110 Race and Environmental Biology (LS, US)
  • NPRE 101 Introduction to Energy Sources (PS, QR2)
  • NRES 100 Fundamentals of Env Sci (PS)
  • NRES 101 Wildlife Conservation (LS)
  • NRES 103 The Great Lakes at Risk (LS)
  • NRES 105 Climate Change and Ecosystems (QR2, LS)
  • PLPA 200 Plants, Pathogens, and People (CLL, LS)
  • UP 205 Ecology & Env Sustainability (LS)

Quantitative Reasoning

  • NPRE 101 Introduction to Energy Sources (PS, QR2)
  • NRES 105 Climate Change and Ecosystems (QR2, LS)

Social & Behavioral Sciences

  • ACE 210 Environmental Economics (SS)
  • ACE 251 The World Food Economy (NW, SS)
  • GGIS 101 Global Development & Environment (NW, SS)
  • GGIS 210 Social & Environmental Issues (SS)
  • GGIS 224 Environmental Data Science (SS)
  • GGIS 465 Transportation & Sustainability (SS)
  • MDIA 223 Watching the Environment (SS)
  • NRES 224 Social Justice and Environment (SS, US)
  • NRES 287 Environment and Society (WCC, SS)
  • PS 225 Environmental Politics & Policy (SS)
  • RST 120 Park, Recreation & Environment (BSC)

Cultural Studies: Non-Western Cultures

  • ABE 152 Water in Global Environment (NW, PS)
  • ACE 251 The World Food Economy (NW, SS)
  • ANTH 278 Climate Change & Civilization (NW)
  • GGIS 101 Global Development & Environment (NW, SS)

Cultural Studies: US Minority Cultures

  • CMN 250 Social Movement Communication (US)
  • IB 110 Race and Environmental Biology (LS, US)
  • NRES 224 Social Justice and Environment (SS, US)

Cultural Studies: Western/Comparative Cultures

  • CPSC 113 Environment, Agric, & Society (WCC, LS)
  • HIST 202 American Environmental History (WCC, HP)
  • NRES 287 Environment and Society (WCC, SS)
  • RST 242 Nature and American Culture (WCC)
Explore Sustainability & Environment More

Students interested in exploring more about Sustainability & Environment may want to explore some of the areas below. These disciplines study challenges such as global warming, climate and climate change, pollution, water conservation, and other issues that encompass all aspects of planetary and earth sciences. Students interested in nature can expect to study topics that discuss the earth’s wide variety of animals and plants and its endangered species along with human responsibility to the world’s natural resources.

Several offices across campus also provide students with opportunities to get involved in this area, including:

Design & Create

In a world where change is the only constant, the power of innovation and creativity shapes the future of societies, industries, and the global environment. The Design & Create theme is dedicated to exploring the transformative impact of creative thinking and innovative solutions across various domains. This educational pathway encourages students to look beyond conventional boundaries, fostering a mindset that not only seeks to solve problems but to redefine them. Highlighting the intricate relationship between design, technology, and human aspirations, students will discover the significant societal and environmental advancements they can have an impact on through this growing field.

Courses under this theme are crafted on equipping students with a profound understanding of the design process, from ideation to execution, emphasizing the importance of empathy, sustainability, and ethics. Through hands-on projects, collaborative coursework, and critical analysis, students will develop the skills needed to create impactful, innovative solutions.

Design & Create Gen Ed Courses

Advanced Composition

  • BTW 285 Writing a Web Presence (CLL)
  • CLCV 323 The Comic Imagination (CLL, WCC, LA)
  • CW 243 Craft Essay: Creative Reading, Reflection, & Revision (CLL)
  • DANC 340 Dancing Black Popular Culture (CLL, US, HP)
  • ENGL 109 Intro to Fiction-ACP (LA, CLL)
  • INFO 303 Writing Across Media (CLL)
  • JOUR 200 Introduction to Journalism (CLL)

Humanities & the Arts

  • ART 100 Understanding Visual Culture (LA)
  • ART 140 Introduction to Art (LA)
  • ARTH 110 Intro History of Art & Visual (LA, WCC)
  • ARTH 211 Design History Survey (LA)
  • ARTH 220 African Arts and Architecture (LA, NW)
  • ARTH 241 Modern Art, 1880-1940 (LA)
  • ARTH 242 Art Since 1940 (LA)
  • ARTH 260 Graffiti and Murals (LA, WCC)
  • ARTJ 301 Manga: The Art of Image and Word (LA, NW)
  • ARTJ 302 Intro to Japanese Animation (HP, NW)
  • ARTS 220 Introduction to Fashion (LA)
  • CLCV 323 The Comic Imagination (CLL, WCC, LA)
  • CW 100 Intro to Creative Writing (LA)
  • CWL 202 Literature and Ideas (LA, WCC)
  • CWL 207 Indian Cinema in Context (LA, NW)
  • DANC 100 Intro to Contemporary Dance (LA, WCC)
  • DANC 200 Explore Music Through Dance (LA)
  • DANC 340 Dancing Black Popular Culture (CLL, US, HP)
  • EALC 208 Chinese Cinema (LA, NW)
  • ENGL 101 Intro to Poetry (LA)
  • ENGL 103 Intro to Fiction (LA)
  • ENGL 104 Introduction to Film (LA)
  • ENGL 109 Intro to Fiction-ACP (LA, CLL)
  • ENGL 245 The Short Story (LA)
  • ENGL 253 Topics in Lit and New Media (LA)
  • FAA 102 Design Beyond Boundaries (LA)
  • FAA 110 Exploring Arts and Creativity
  • FAA 201 Black Arts Today (LA, US)
  • HIST 207 Digital Documentary Publishing (HP)
  • MACS 264 Media Industries (HP, WCC)
  • MUS 130 Music Then and Now (LA, WCC)
  • MUS 132 Popular Music Studies (LA, US)
  • MUS 133 Introduction to World Music (LA, NW)
  • THEA 101 Introduction to Theatre Arts (LA)
  • THEA 110 Broadway Musicals (LA, WCC)
  • ART 310 Design Thinking (LA)

Natural Sciences & Technology

  • ECE 101 Exploring Digital Info Technology (QR2, PS)

Social & Behavioral Sciences

  • ART 205 Experience & Meaning in Design (SS, WCC)
  • ADV 150 Introduction to Advertising (SS)
  • ADV 305 AdTech and the Digital World (SS)
  • ARCH 237 Urban Scale Sustainability (SS)
  • CI 210 Intro to Digital Learning Environments (SS)
  • EALC 280 Anthropology of Martial Arts (SS, NW)
  • JOUR 101 Interactive Media & You (SS)
  • MUS The World Through Museums (SS, WCC)

Cultural Studies: Non-Western Cultures

  • ARTH 214 Arts in China (NW)
  • ARTH 220 African Arts and Architecture (LA, NW)
  • ARTJ 209 Chado (The Way of Tea) (NW)
  • ARTJ 301 Manga: The Art of Image and Word (LA, NW)
  • ARTJ 302 Intro to Japanese Animation (HP, NW)
  • CWL 207 Indian Cinema in Context (LA, NW)
  • EALC 208 Chinese Cinema (LA, NW)
  • EALC 280 Anthropology of Martial Arts (SS, NW)
  • EALC 285 Intro to Korea Through Film (NW)
  • MUS 133 Introduction to World Music (LA, NW)

Cultural Studies: US Minority Cultures

  • ADV 175 Diversity in Advertising (US)
  • DANC 340 Dancing Black Popular Culture (CLL, US, HP)
  • FAA 201 Black Arts Today (LA, US)
  • MUS 132 Popular Music Studies (LA, US)

Cultural Studies: Western/Comparative Cultures

  • ART 205 Experience & Meaning in Design (SS, WCC)
  • ARTH 110 Intro History of Art & Visual (LA, WCC)
  • ARTH 260 Graffiti and Murals (LA, WCC)
  • CLCV 323 The Comic Imagination (CLL, WCC, LA)
  • CWL 202 Literature and Ideas (LA, WCC)
  • DANC 100 Intro to Contemporary Dance (LA, WCC)
  • MACS 264 Media Industries (HP, WCC)
  • MUS 130 Music Then and Now (LA, WCC)
  • MUS The World Through Museums (SS, WCC)
  • THEA 110 Broadway Musicals (LA, WCC)

Quantitative Reasoning

  • ECE 101 Exploring Digital Info Technology (QR2, PS)
  • IS 229 Web Design Fundamentals (QR1)
Explore Design & Create More

Students interested in exploring more about Design & Create may want to explore some of the areas below. These areas require a nature of creativity and drive for innovation. Students in this area should like working toward abstract solutions, thinking outside the box, examining the evolving trends of design, and engaging in hands-on originative projects.

Several offices across campus also provide students with opportunities to get involved in this area, including:

Health & Wellness

In an era where holistic well-being is increasingly recognized as foundational to personal success and societal progress, the Health & Wellness theme stands as a beacon of enlightenment and transformation. This academic journey is crafted to delve into the nature of health, encompassing physical, mental, and emotional wellness, along with the societal and environmental factors that influence them. 

Courses within this theme are designed to challenge and expand students’ perspectives on what it means to be truly healthy in today’s world. From the science of nutrition and exercise to the exploration of mental health strategies and the impact of environmental conditions on health, students are encouraged to critically examine the complex interplay between lifestyle choices, societal norms, and health outcomes.

Health & Wellness Gen Ed Courses

Advanced Composition

  • EPOL 310 Race and Cultural Diversity (CLL, US)
  • EPOL 350 Social Learning and Knowledge (CLL, SS)
  • HK 300 Health Behavior Theories and Applications (SS, CLL)
  • HK 340 Social & Psychological Aspects of Physical Activity (CLL)
  • IB 203 Ecology (CLL)

Humanities & the Arts

  • EPOL 380 Education and Social Justice (US, HP)
  • HK 208 Introduction to Medical Ethics (HP)
  • PHIL 101 Introduction to Philosophy (HP)
  • PHIL 105 Introduction to Ethics (HP)
  • PHIL 214 Biomedical Ethics (HP)

Natural Sciences & Technology

  • ESE 100 Sustainable Earth (PS)
  • FSHN 101 The Science of Food and How it Relates to You (PS)
  • FSHN 120 Contemporary Nutrition (LS)
  • GEOL 111 Emergence of Life (LS)
  • HK 150 Bioscience of Human Movement (LS)
  • IB 100 Biology in Today’s World (LS)
  • IB 110 Race and Environmental Biology (LS, US)

Quantitative Reasoning

  • EPSY 280 Elements of Statistics (QR1)
  • HK 201 Health Sciences Research Methods (QR2)
  • HK 207 Introduction to Epidemiology (QR1)
  • HK 209 Introduction to Biostatistics and Health Data Analysis (QR1)

Cultural Studies: US Minority Cultures

  • EPSY 202 Exploring Cultural Diversity (US)
  • EPOL 310 Race and Cultural Diversity (CLL, US)
  • EPOL 380 Education and Social Justice (US, HP)
  • HK 271 Health Equity in the United States (US)
  • IB 110 Race and Environmental Biology (LS, US)
  • SOC 180 Stress & Health in African American Communities (SS, US)

Social & Behavioral Sciences

  • EPSY 201 Educational Psychology (SS)
  • EPOL 350 Social Learning and Knowledge (CLL, SS)
  • HK 110 Contemporary Health (SS)
  • HK 111 Introduction to Public Health (SS)
  • HK 140 Social Sci of Human Movement (SS)
  • HK 203 Introduction to Health Technology (SS)
  • HK 243 Sport & Modern Society (SS)
  • HK 250 Motor Development and Control (SS)
  • HK 262 Motor Develop, Growth & Form (SS)
  • HK 270 Leadership in Health (SS)
  • HK 272 Aging and Health Policy (SS)
  • HK 300 Health Behavior Theories and Applications (SS, CLL)
  • HK 302 Disability in American Society (SS)
  • PSYC 100 Intro Psych (SS)
  • PSYC 103 Intro Experimental Psych (SS)
  • PSYC 201 Intro to Social Psych (SS)
  • PSYC 239 Community Psych (SS)
  • SOC 100 Introduction to Sociology (SS)
  • SOC 162 Intro to Intl Health Policy (SS, CCW)
  • SOC 180 Stress and Health in African American Communities (SS, US)
  • UP 136 Urban Sustainability (SS)

Cultural Studies: Non-Western Cultures

  • GLBL 250 Development (NW)

Cultural Studies: Western/Comparative Cultures

  • GLBL 240 Global Health (WCC)
  • SOC 162 Intro to Intl Health Policy (SS, WCC)
Explore Health & Wellness More

Students interested in exploring more about Health & Wellness may want to explore some of the areas below. These areas require strong desires for health in a worldwide view. Students in this major should like understanding bodily scientific processes, health-centered research, and how current and future generations can apply these methods to lead a sustainable and thriving lifestyle.

Several offices across campus also provide students with opportunities to get involved in this area, including:

Law, Justice, Policy, & Ethics

In a time defined by complex legal challenges and the quest for social justice, the Law, Justice, Policy, and Ethics theme emerges as a critical academic endeavor. This educational pathway is designed to confront pressing issues, from human rights and environmental law to ethical governance and public policy. By embracing a multidisciplinary approach, this theme aims to cultivate a new generation of legal minds and policymakers who are not only proficient in the letter of the law but are also deeply committed to the principles of justice, equity, and ethical responsibility.

Students will be immersed in the study of landmark cases, critical legal theories, policy analysis techniques, and ethical dilemmas that shape the legal and policy landscapes. This comprehensive curriculum is designed to challenge students to think critically, argue persuasively, and act with integrity in their professional and personal lives.

Law, Justice, Policy, & Ethics Gen Ed Courses

Advanced Composition

  • AAS 370 Immigration, Law, and Rights (CLL)
  • BADM 340 Ethical Dilemmas of Business (CLL)
  • CMN 220 Communicating Public Policy (CLL)
  • CS 211 Ethical & Professional Conduct (CLL)
  • EDUC 202 Social Justice, School & Society (CLL, HP)
  • GLBL 392 Int Diplomacy and Negotiation (CLL)
  • PHIL 104 Intro to Ethics – ACP (HP, CLL)
  • PHYS 280 Nuclear Weapons & Arms Control (CLL)
  • PS 281 Intro to Intl Relations (SS, CLL)
  • PS 282 Governing Globalization (SS, CLL)
  • PS 357 Ethnic Conflict (CLL)

Humanities & the Arts

  • AAS 215 US Citizenship Comparatively (HP, US)
  • ANSC 255 Animal Ethics (HP)
  • EDUC 202 Social Justice, School & Society (CLL, HP)
  • EPOL 380 Education and Social Justice (HP, US)
  • HIST 257 Terrorism, Past and Present (HP, WCC)
  • HIST 293 The President and the People (HP, WCC)
  • HK 208 Introduction to Medical Ethics (HP)
  • LA 221 History of the Prison (HP, WCC)
  • LAW 301 Introduction to Law (HP)
  • LAW 302 Traditional Justice (HP, US)
  • LAW 303 Living the Law (HP)
  • PHIL 102 Logic and Reasoning (HP)
  • PHIL 103 Logic and Reasoning QR II (HP, QR2)
  • PHIL 104 Intro to Ethics – ACP (HP, CLL)
  • PHIL 105 Introduction to Ethics (HP)
  • PHIL 210 Ethics (HP)
  • PHIL 214 Biomedical Ethics (HP)
  • PS 170 Power, Politics, and Protest (HP)
  • PS 270 Intro to Political Theory (HP)

Quantitative Reasoning

  • PHIL 103 Logic and Reasoning QR II (HP, QR2)

Cultural Studies: Non-Western Cultures

  • CMN 232 Intro to Intercultural Comm (NW, SS)
  • PS 241 Comp Politics in Dev Nations (SS, NW)
  • SOC 160 Global Inequality and Social Change (SS, NW)
  • UP 185 Cities in a Global Perspective (SS, NW)

Cultural Studies: Western/Comparative Cultures

  • HIST 257 Terrorism, Past and Present (HP, WCC)
  • HIST 293 The President and the People (HP, WCC)
  • LA 221 History of the Prison (HP, WCC)
  • SOC 161 Introduction to Poverty (SS, WCC)
  • SOC 162 Intro to Intl Health Policy (SS, WCC)
  • REL 236 Religion, Violence & America (WCC)

Social & Behavioral Sciences

  • CMN 232 Intro to Intercultural Comm (NW, SS)
  • LEAD 260 Foundations of Leadership (SS)
  • NRES 224 Social Justice and Environment (SS, US)
  • PHIL 106 Ethics and Social Policy (SS)
  • PHIL 107 Intro to Political Philosophy (SS)
  • PS 100 Intro to Political Science (SS)
  • PS 101 Intro to US Gov & Pol (SS)
  • PS 152 The New Middle East (SS, NW)
  • PS 201 US Racial & Ethnic Politics (SS, US)
  • PS 214 American Indian Law & Politics (SS, US)
  • PS 224 Politics of the National Parks (SS)
  • PS 225 Environmental Politics & Policy (SS)
  • PS 240 Intro to Comp Politics (SS)
  • PS 241 Comp Politics in Dev Nations (SS, NW)
  • PS 280 Intro to Intl Relations (SS)
  • PS 281 Intro to Intl Relations (SS, CLL)
  • PS 282 Governing Globalization (SS, CLL)
  • PSYC 144 Stereotypes, Prejudice & Discrimination (SS, US)
  • PSYC 207 Psych of Prejudice & Discrimination (SS)
  • SOC 100 Introduction to Sociology (SS)
  • SOC 160 Global Inequality and Social Change (SS, NW)
  • SOC 161 Introduction to Poverty (SS, WCC)
  • SOC 162 Intro to Intl Health Policy (SS, WCC)
  • SOC 170 America’s Immigrant Society (SS, US)
  • SOC 179 Social Organization (SS)
  • SOC 373 Social Inequality (SS)
  • SOCW 245 Doing Good through the Nonprofit Sector (SS)
  • UP 185 Cities in a Global Perspective (SS, NW)
  • UP 260 Social Inequality and Planning (SS)

Cultural Studies: US Minority Cultures

  • AAS 215 US Citizenship Comparatively (HP, US)
  • CMN 250 Social Movement Communication (US)
  • EPOL 380 Education and Social Justice (HP, US)
  • GLBL 130 Resistance Movements (US)
  • HK 271 Health Equity in the United Sates (US)
  • LAW 302 Traditional Justice (HP, US)
  • LEAD 340 Leadership Ethics & Society (US)
  • NRES 224 Social Justice and Environment (SS, US)
  • PS 201 US Racial & Ethnic Politics (SS, US)
  • PS 214 American Indian Law & Politics (SS, US)
  • PSYC 144 Stereotypes, Prejudice & Discrimination (SS, US)
  • REL 134 Religion, Race, and Resistance (US)
  • SOC 170 America’s Immigrant Society (SS, US)
  • UP 160 Race, Social Justice, and Cities (US)
Explore Law, Justice, Policy, & Ethics More

Students interested in exploring more about Law, Justice, Policy & Ethics may want to explore some of the areas below. These areas require a confident interpretation of the internal and external processes of our government. Students in this major should like learning about historical events that have shaped our world, examining the current injustices faced in society, and hold a strong desire for the betterment, organization, and equity of citizens.

Several offices across campus also provide students with opportunities to get involved in this area, including:

New Gen Ed Themes

Information on developing new Gen Ed themes may be found on the Development of Gen Ed Themes page.