Gen Ed Program Testimonials

The impact and value of the General Education Program is unique for each individual student, alumnus, faculty, and staff member. The below testimonials showcase some experiences from students and alumni taking Gen Ed courses, the faculty teaching Gen Ed courses, and the staff advising and supporting students throughout their academic and professional journey.

Create your own unique journey through your Gen Ed coursework and take advantage of the knowledge, skills, and experiences you will gain as well as the people you will meet. We hope you have an experience that will last your entire lifetime!

“You are in charge of your Gen Eds. Take something that you enjoy.” 

Univ. of Illinois Student

General Education Program

Student Testimonials

Block I

Alumni Testimonials

Faculty Testimonials


Share your Testimonial

Want to share the impact of the Gen Ed Program? Contact our office if you would like to share your Gen Ed Testimonial.