The impact and value of the General Education Program is unique for each individual student, alumnus, faculty, and staff member. The below testimonials showcase some experiences from students and alumni taking Gen Ed courses, the faculty teaching Gen Ed courses, and the staff advising and supporting students throughout their academic and professional journey.
Create your own unique journey through your Gen Ed coursework and take advantage of the knowledge, skills, and experiences you will gain as well as the people you will meet. We hope you have an experience that will last your entire lifetime!
Univ. of Illinois Student
General Education Program
Student Testimonials
Fiona | Student | Information Sciences + Data Science | Class of 2027
Gen Ed courses have been instrumental in shaping the individual and student I am. They exposed me to new perspectives that I wouldn’t otherwise have explored which has influenced my interests beyond my major. As a Data Science major, the breakup between more technical classes has been something I have thoroughly enjoyed in my schedule. I am looking forward to all the future knowledge I will gain from Gen Eds as I experience my college journey.
Ishita | Student | Psychology | Class of 2024
My overall Gen Ed experience has been very positive! I have explored a variety of topics in departments different from my own, often I even found connections between the classes I was taking for my major and the classes I was taking just to learn more about the world. For example, in one Gen Ed course we explored social change and global issues. Through the lens of my social psychology course these topics would be addressed as case studies but in my Gen Ed, we studied how these movements actually started and maintained themselves and how they connected cultures. I would advise students to find Gen Eds whose course topics sound personally interesting to them. The more excited you are for your Gen Ed, the better you do in the class and the better your semester feels.
Ashley | Student | Molecular & Cellular Biology | Class of 2027
Through taking Gen Ed courses, I am able to further explore my interests outside of my major. As a STEM major, I can couple my technical courses with fun and engaging classes that still give me enriching experiences. There are so many Gen Ed options at (Illinois), and everyone is bound to find a class that they find interesting. Many of the Gen Ed courses I have taken so far have been related to the career I want to go into, so I believe that I am still gaining valuable knowledge that will benefit me in the future!
Luke | Student | Mathematics, Physics | Class of 2026
As a Campus Honors Program student, I will have taken a larger number of Gen Eds than most. I find them valuable as they provide a contrast to my other more technical classes. The ones that I have taken have all been very unique, giving me opportunities to think about topics I would have otherwise never considered. I have gained the ability to think critically about current / past events, appreciate the arts, develop communication and writing skills, etc. These attributes will benefit me going forward and something I would have otherwise missed out. I consider it immensely beneficial to pick classes you want to take instead of ones that are particularly convenient. You will be more engaged in class, motivated to do assignments, etc. Even if its “sub-optimal” in terms of requirements, it will be much more beneficial to you as an individual.
Yasmine | Student | Bioengineering | Class of 2025
The overall Gen Ed experience is highly interdisciplinary and individualized, as people are able to choose a wide variety of classes based on their interests. My Gen Ed courses have allowed me to learn about many topics that I would not have had a chance to engage with had I not taken any Gen Eds. Specifically, they have let me further explore issues of diversity and equality, which have complemented my major by helping me to come up with solutions that better serve a variety of people. My Gen Ed courses gave me a chance to engage in more discussions and readings rather than learning just technical skills. I have made a lot of friends from different majors, almost solely from my Gen Eds. I am really lucky to have met these people as my major is very small and I would have otherwise not had insight into their sides of campus.
Ciara | Student | Civil and Environmental Engineering | Class of 2027
I have really enjoyed the Gen Ed classes I have taken so far at (Illinois). They’ve provided me a break away from major-related courses, which are usually heavy in STEM. They’ve allowed me to keep up academically with my interests that fall outside of my major. I enjoy being required to fulfill a variety of these courses, because it gives me a more well-rounded experience. For example, I was able to learn a lot about racial prejudice in the United States. This has helped me become more informed in the conversations I have with others.
Anuprova | Student | Computer Science + Chemistry | Class of 2027
I have had a wonderful experience with my Gen Ed. I was a part of a course on Stereotypes and Discrimination, and it was my favorite class this semester by far. I have made new friends in my Gen Ed class through the thought-provoking conversations that were generated during class discussion. I have also been exposed to many different perspectives in my class. Something unique about my Gen Ed courses compared to my specialized courses is the conversation and discussions were emphasized, as opposed to lectures and tests.
Advice: When selecting Gen Eds, chose something that sounds fun!
Julianne | Student | Human Development & Family Studies | Class of 2024
My Gen Ed experience has been an amazing exploratory opportunity while I decided what I wanted to pursue as a career. I took courses that were so unique, ones that I did not even realize were actual classes when I went into college. I got to meet so many people from different majors and perspectives while also being able to explore my broad range of interests. Taking my Gen Ed courses opened my eyes to the vast opportunities that (Illinois) has to offer and acted as a way for me to dip my toe into multiple interest pools. I loved that I could try out tons of different classes that I would not have normally decided to take, and honestly, sometimes I took more away from those classes than the required ones that I was already planning to take. It forced me to open my mind to new topics that I had not previously explored and absolutely contributed to a more profound and enriching experience while attending (Illinois).
Sai | Student | Molecular & Cellular Biology | Class of 2027
I greatly enjoy taking Gen Ed courses as it allows me to have a more interdisciplinary education rather than focusing on just STEM classes that pertain to my major. Gen Ed courses have allowed me to consider different perspectives and improve my critical thinking skills. Through presentation and discussion-based courses, I have had many opportunities to understand other’s background and their opinions which has helped me develop a more well-rounded education. My Gen Ed courses were mostly discussion based and this helped me have thoughtful conversation with my classmates that my STEM classes didn’t have.
Advice: I would definitely choose Gen Eds based on interest rather than obligation, because you should enjoy learning about the topics that are covered.
Yoshee | Student | Computer Science | Class of 2026
Taking Gen Eds at the U of I has been a positive experience, providing me with the necessary skills to grow as an individual with their own opinions and thoughts, but welcoming to diverse perspectives on a range of topics. Taking Gen Ed courses exposes me to a variety of perspectives stemming from professors and students across different disciplines. It also provides a swift balance between technical courses that sharpen the mind and more applicative courses that exercise my mind.
Alumni Testimonials
Ben | Alumni | Economics | Class of 2014
Consular Officer, U.S. Department of State
My General Education was the most important part of my Illinois education. I specifically chose topics outside of the bounds of my economics major, specifically Asian religions, to make me a more well-rounded human being. This has allowed me to be an effective diplomat and serve the American people. I have a perspective on the world I wouldn’t have gained otherwise. Learning about Hinduism in the United States changed my life. It was a topic I never would’ve considered if general education had not been a requirement for graduation. Although I’m no expert, I feel comfortable talking about the subject, which means the curriculum worked. I feel like a better human being because I am more empathetic to the experiences of others. General Education helped me become less ignorant of the human experience as a whole at a time when the trend in higher education is specialization.
General Education is the most important part of a university education. I do not have a BA in economics. I have a BA in liberal arts and sciences. At the end of the day, my major was only one component of my education.
Advice: Take a course you know nothing about. Take a course that will challenge you. You’ll be a better person for it. At over ten years out from my time at Illinois, I’m glad I didn’t take the easy road in terms of completing credit hours.
Apurva | Alumni | Information Sciences | Class of 2023
Technology Development Associate, Optum
Through Gen Eds I was able to learn about different subjects such as African American dance and meet new people that I wouldn’t have met in my major classes. I loved watching world music performances for MUS133 and interesting performances at Krannert for FAA 110. Looking back, I became more well-rounded because I learned about different cultures, religions, and perspectives.
Justin | Alumni | Mechanical Engineering | Class of 2022
Ph.D. Candidate, Carnegie Mellon University
General Education requirements allowed me to explore areas that I wouldn’t typically take classes in. Specifically, it allowed me to learn about minority populations and people who live differently than I do. I was part of Campus Honors Program and took a class from Professor Gioconda Perez on immigration. This really opened my eyes to the nuances of the immigration system in the United States and also brought humility to people that are typically reported as statistics and dehumanized. Further, Gen Eds helped me develop personally and professionally by exposing me to think more worldly. I took a class on linguistics and learned a lot about different dialects. It was very interesting to learn about the professors lived experience code switching between Indian and American English and made me really pay attention to how people change the way they speak to seem a certain way and cater to a specific audience.
Advice: Take something that seems moderately interesting. You will gain interest over time through learning about the professor’s interests. Also don’t be afraid if it seems difficult. If you spend time getting to know the professors, it likely isn’t as difficult as you think.
Betty | Alumni | Information Sciences | Class of 2022
Senior Analyst – User Experience, United Airlines
My General Education courses at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign taught me to adopt an interdisciplinary, holistic perspective and spark curiosity in me. This allowed me to approach subjects with an openness to learning, as they were different from my major field of study. General education courses helped me learn to think outside the box and manage uncertainty. For instance, the Grand Challenge Learning course I took and Madness & Mental Health, examined creative and literary responses to issues of health and wellness from an interdisciplinary perspective, with an emphasis on experiential learning. Professionally, General Education courses helped me build the foundational skills I needed before advancing to more specialized coursework in my major as an upperclassman.
Advice: As a student, you have a unique opportunity to explore subjects simply for the sake of learning more about them. I strongly would encourage students to choose courses that not only fulfill Gen Ed requirements but also satisfy your natural curiosity about a subject. There’s no better way to learn than in a structured environment with instructors and professors who are truly passionate about their field. It makes for a truly enriching learning experience!
Thomas | Alumni | Information Sciences | Class of 2022
Consulting Analyst
From taking Gen Eds, I became a much more well-rounded individual and was able to approach problems in a different way and able to come to more impactful solutions when solving problems. I was able to gain skills that were not directly taught in my coursework but were very helpful in both my college and professional careers. Specifically in my experience, I remember very vividly how kind the professors were and how much they genuinely cared not only for the subject but for the well-being and success of their students as well.
Advice: Don’t be afraid to try things that sound interesting. Also- don’t just sign up for a class because your friends are taking it; be brave enough to take a class that you think might be interesting. You’ll get a lot more out of trying something new and meeting new people.
Tina | Alumni | Biology | Class of 1992
Associate Director of Student Success, Carle Illinois College of Medicine
My Gen Ed experience at Illinois allowed me to explore numerous disciplines and learn about other cultures. While I didn’t always appreciate it at the time, I now look back on many of these courses with fond memories and an understanding of how they shaped me as a student and member of the community. After nearly failing out of my original major, chemistry, I moved into general curriculum for two semesters to determine what I wanted to do with my life. During this time, I took several Gen Eds, including Biology 101, Biological Sciences, with Dr. George Kieffer. Through this course, I was introduced to the world of genetics, which helped me to choose my major in biology. I was able to further develop my passion for biology and interact with amazing professors who taught me how to be a scientist. I was able to successfully graduate in this major and gain employment in a research lab which I had worked in as an undergraduate. This experience launched a 32-year professional career in the School of Molecular Biology where I was able to grow as a person and professional.
Advice: Don’t be afraid to try something new. Keep an open mind and remember that things that seem unimportant in your youth can help shape you into a well-rounded and educated adult that can contribute to your community in positive ways.
Faculty Testimonials
Colleen | Faculty | Computer Science
In high school I didn’t get to make many decisions about what courses to take. It is the exact opposite in college and I think that’s a great opportunity! You can try different gen ed courses and explore different fields. As a high schooler, I never considered majoring in CS, but I’m really glad I tried it – I wouldn’t be a CS professor if I hadn’t! I love getting to teach a gen ed CS course to help students see that CS doesn’t require innate ability or a singular focus on CS. CS can be fun and useful and might be a new field you explore with your gen eds!
Chadly | Faculty | Psychology
One of my favorite aspects of General Education courses is that they bring together students from throughout campus. Students who are otherwise solely focused on, for example, engineering, humanities, social and behavioral science, or fine arts topics collectively consider broad issues of importance and learn from one another. I am always excited to see the next generation of leaders and thinkers grow from General Education Courses, and interacting with students in these courses expands my mind as well!
Caitlin | Faculty | Health & Kinesiology
I believe students gain new perspective on the world as well as new ways to learn and explore from Gen Eds. Each field has unique ways of asking important research questions and determining methodology to answer those questions. I think students begin to appreciate the wide range of ways that we can choose to investigate the same general topic depending on which field is doing the investigation and why.
Advice: Go to class, take handwritten notes, think about what you’ve heard. Ask questions if you don’t understand. But also do your own investigating. Often you can learn a lot by digging into something you misunderstood. Talk to the faculty and study with classmates. Take time to talk about what you’re learning. If you aren’t connecting with the material, ask more and different questions.
expands my mind as well
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